It’s an honor to say that I’ve known these people through their entire relationship. Coincidentally, that’s almost the exact length that I’ve been photographing people in love, so naturally we’ve had our share of portrait sessions through the years!
They are both as genuine as it comes, and the best friends you could possibly want.
From our very first couples photos, to their adventure engagement under a waterfall (Highly recommend oh my gosh), to their perfect wedding day, I was joyfully there with camera in hand. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Adventure time
Hello all!
As I've mentioned before, I place a lot of value on travel.
Seeing and doing things with the people I care about is something I've always cherished, but never took the time to really do until about a year ago, and now I'm scrambling to make up for lost time.
This trip isn't exactly what we had in mind when David and I started planning it eight months ago, but the weather around the world right now between forrest fires and hurricanes isn't something I could've predicted. Instead of our original destination, we decided to take a week and a half in one of my favorite places on earth: Northern Michigan.
It may not sound as exotic, but I am unbelievably excited, and can't wait to discover things that were under my nose this whole time.
If you don't hear from me due to lack of cell phone reception, no worries! I'll get in touch as soon as I can, and there will be loads of adventure-y photo things coming your way :)
- Esther